Thursday, April 7, 2011

vocabulary to chapter 16

gleaming - (durch-)schimmernd, glänzend
to nudge - (vorsichtig) anstoßen/-stupsen
bond - Bindung , Haftung, Fesseln
bearings - sich einer Situation bewusst sein
to pervade - durchdringen/-fluten/-wehen/-ziehen
hearth - Feuerstelle , Herdraum/-boden/-stelle, Ofenraum
to cast a glow - ein glühendes Licht auf etwas richten
to luxuriate in something - sich in etwas aalen
to treasure - etwas aufbewahren/ hoch schätzen/ in erinnerung behalten
to blurt out - etwas ausschwatzen, etwas herausplatzen lassen
to falter - schwanken, wanken, zögern
to reassure - rückversichern, jemanden beruhigen/ beschwichtigen/ mut machen/ versichern
outlawed - geächtet, gesetzlich verboten, ungesetzlich
flushed - errötet, durchflutet
to rehearse - proben, etwas einstudieren/einüben
habit - der Habit, Abhängigkeit, Amtskleidung, Angewohnheit, Beschaffenheit, Brauch
ceiling - Gebäudedecke, Geschossdecke, Höchstpreis/ -maß/ -betrag/ -grenze
even - ausgeglichen, eben, flach, gar, gerade, geradzahlig, glatt, gleich, nämlich, quitt
damp - der Dampf, der Dunst, giftiges Wetter

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My thinkings to the giver
This is a picture of the giver how i could imaginate him for myself. He´s an old man with crinkles on his forehead and his face and big grommets under his wise eyes. He has a big grey beard and a moustache he has summarized many memories in his past as a human and as the reciever of the memories of the community to protect and support them in the same degree. It also shows me that he is the perfect teacher to teach Jonas to get a good reciever because he knows what it means to walk through all this and how hard it can get. around his face. He wrinkles his forehead and his eyebrows get wrinkled like the nose, too. It looks a little bit grimly and shows that he knows many things that other people shouldn´t know or don´t want to know. This shows that he lived a very long time and that he get to know very many memories in his life. This requires him to be Jonas´ teacher on his way to become the new reciever of the memories.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Summary of Chapter 1

The first chapter is about Jonas an eleven-year old boy. It seems to be that he´s the maincharakter in this story. The book starts with flashbacks of Jonas. He doesn´t feel good but he doesn´t know the reason why he feels like this. In the air he sees an airplane and for him this is difficult because to fly is against the rules of the community. At home they have a ritual where they speak with each other to talk about their feelings and problems. When its Jonas time to tell about his feelings he tells them that he feels unpleasant because of the ceremony of twelve. So his parents speak alone with him.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

About Lois Lowry

Lois Lowry was born in 1937 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Being the daughter on an Army dentist, she moved a lot within the Untied States, and also lived in Japan for a number o years. She graduated from high school in New York City and then attended Brown University in Rhode Island, married young (1956) and had four children.
While raising her children she began to write professionally. As a child she had always written stories and had always wanted to become a writer.

source: Book, page 6

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Prereading expections

I expect that thers is a guy called ´´the giver´´ who punch everyone. He gives them beans!
But it could also be a guy who goes around and give other people presents like Santa Claus.
I think it´s a good book because we read it in school in year eleven so its maybe a little ambitious, too.
The cover doesn´t tell me anything about the story of the book and i can´t imagine what the cover is about but I finally hope the book is good to read.
mfg der baboon:D

Lois Lowry